29 September. Community Outreach Activity. Bright Stars (Form 2) visit Morogoro Amani Center for the Disabled.

The happy group after SEGA had presented the Amani Center with sawadis (gifts) of soap powder, sugar and pipis (sweets)

Having talked with the Form 2 girls about the Morogoro Amani Center and the various types of disabilities experienced by the children attending the Center, the girls then discussed and planned which of their skills and activities would be appropriate to volunteer to make the lives of these young people brighter.
Saturday 29 September, Counselor Pauline, Nancy, Alice, Kennedy and Fran shared a memorable morning with the Bright Stars, the dedicated staff and children of the Amani Center.
Having greeted the staff, a busy time began as the girls divided into their working teams and cleaned the environment: removed rubbish, swept paths, cleaned rooms, sorted books in the Library; washed clothes and floors; fetched buckets of water and shared time with the staff and children.

  On completion of the activities, everyone gathered in the large multipurpose hall and the fun began!
 Some jumped rope…
 Some played ngoma (drums) and percussion….
 whilst others shared their artistic skills and happily played with the children.
The staff joined in and shared their musical talents and established a beat which very few could resist. Happy faces sweated; excited voices sang out loudly; feet danced and bodies moved! Dance and rhythm speaks all languages and everyone responded to the fun… either with their own dance moves, song or simply by observing and enjoying the entertainment!
A pipi (sweets) scramble brought shouts of joy and madness as the young and old tried hard to rush and get one (or more!) pipi before the formalities began.

Counselor invited the Amani staff to come forward and share their story of involvement at the Center. Our girls listened intensely as they realized the potential Career opportunities for them. They became aware of positions such as a Physiotherapist, speech therapist, special needs Educator or nurse. It ignited the thought of the real possibility that their lives could be dedicated to sharing skills with the disabled: in a Center, a hospital or their own communities.
Thanks were given by everyone involved..
 ....as the SEGA students presented the Centre with their gifts and then the day concluded as the whole gathering cheerfully burst into song: 
“Happy 30th Birthday Counselor Pauline”
“Thank you Counselor, the EFL Team representatives, Alice and Nancy; Kennedy and Bright Stars for making another memorable Community Outreach activity happen and for bringing so much joy into people’s hearts. 

 It is certainly a very special moment 
when a young disabled person spontaneously throws his arms around your neck and whispers: 
“Thank you”!!

Students' reflections:
 “I am very happy. I know now there are people who can’t do anything without the help of other people so it has helped me to know that I must learn about the people who are disabled like the children here. I can advise you to help the people who are disabled especially the children without their mothers and fathers because they can’t survive without our help.”

I learned how to live with people with disability and also what to advise the parents and other people in our community who do not care or know about these disabled or what to do to help them. We can do this now because before, I was thinking that disabled people are not wanted in the community because they can’t do anything to help us but now I know they can do many things. So I am very, very happy to know this.” Rhema Choga

 “I see many persons and I am getting good knowledge of how I can help and share with another person who needs me.” Nuru

 “…. Seeing these people, I want us to share our love…..” Agnes 

…. I know how I can live with them and help them in my community….”
Rehema Josiah

Farewell Amani Center....we won't forget you!

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