4th May: I'm back......!!! London - Hamburg. Ice Hockey

Yes, I'm back in Hamburg and I'm back online!
Since I sent my birthday wishes to Lynnie (very late on 2nd May in London) I have not been able to access the web sufficiently to be able to write to you so....for those of you who have been waiting for my next chapters.....I am very sorry they are late but it hasn't been through lack of trying....actually it's been ... very trying! I chose a hotel based on the criteria that it had free unlimited internet access and yes I could access the net but I couldn't do anything with it as it was too slow to achieve anything.....so I patiently tried downstairs in the lobby but ...same thing..then, yesterday morning, I trundled all the way down to Starbucks...bought a coffee and proceeded to work out how to use their internet card access system...nearly an hour later and many questions to the very patient staff....I still didn't have access! (yep, I'm still very much a novice in the IT area!) ....so I then had a useless UK only, Starbucks internet card and still hadn't been able to get online!! I had to laugh... and decided that atleast I had had a nice coffee and that it was time to pack up and find my way to Luton airport....which involved a half a day's journey to get there and actually leave London soil. I was slightly concerned as, when I had heard the morning news, they had said that Ireland's airports were closed due to another valcano sprouting ash....(.Hurry...Hurry....please don't let Luton close before I'm out of there!)
I touched down in Hamburg at 17:15 and was back at Gary's apartment by 18:15....very smooth and just in time to have a quick snack and make our way to Deutschland Vs Kanada...Eishockey Landerspiel.....I think interpreted this says: an Olympic standard...fantastically exciting....very fast and energetic spectacular game of Ice hockey resulting in Canada thrashing Germany 4:1....!!!  Woo Hoo....we were barracking for Canada so we were careful not to be over exhuberant as we were well and truly outnumbered by a very vocal, demonstrative home crowd!
I has only been one week since I left Hamburg but I feel like I have lived another lifetime....it all seems surreal to have actually been to London....explored not only the city but some of the countryside.....shared it with my Girl.....felt the warmth and the bitter cold of London's Spring ...... I am thinking I have caught the 'travel bug'!!

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