8th October.....at the end of ICT week 1

My life so far in Africa has been full of little challenges along a VERY steep learning curve!
As I haven't got internet access just yet I am waiting in line with many others to access it for a few minutes whenever I actually have a minute spare! This entry is simply to tell you all that I love it here (napapenda hapa!)...I am fascinated with the people and am so loving getting to know my fellow volunteers and everything that is unfolding before me! safi! (great!)  My foot is getting stronger. I did however, spent the first 3 days only looking at the ground and where I was placing my feet as the ground is not an easy surface to negotiate for the sore footed! Fortunately my strength and confidence is returning as I walk the streets on our many adventures. (Atleast I have an excuse for going the scenic route at the moment!)

I will eventually elaborate on our adventures this week. Today is the last day of our In Country Training in Dar Es Salaam and we are finalising the vital things necessary for our placements to happen smoothly. Lunch is with the VSO team and fellow volunteers then this evening we are going to a beach side bar/restaurant to share dinner.
I have ridden a daladala (local bus) and negotiated the route home from VSO headquarters with some others. A huge achievement as we were actually able to get a seat and we eventually made it to our destination without getting too lost. Yesterday, after training, a group of us went to Slipway, a sea side shopping precinct, where I bought my first African dress...pics later.... 3 daladalas going our route passed us....each one was packed full with 5-6 people hanging dangerously out the door! Wendy and I had no choice but to get a bdaji (African tuk tuk) home. Wow...traffic here is hectic and you really have to be careful when walking along the streets but the scenery along the sea is beautiful and there is so much to see and absorb that I have quickly accepted the pace.
My swahili is not flowing yet but as we are off to Morogoro for language school tomorrow I am not too concerned! I will be meeting Polly, my placement head whilst there. She and I are really looking forward to this. Polly is going to take me to see the house in which I will live....can't wait!

Oh dear my time is up.....
baadaye (see you later)

PS Franz Tanz mobile number is: +255756482174
Please message me!


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