Sunday, 30 May: Travelling through the Swiss Alps to Stuttgart

The grey, overcast day started slowly as I meandered to the station for the 11:45 train to Zurich. Chatting to a couple from the UK, we boarded the train and settled in......” Hang on.....did that sign on the platform say: Chiriosso???....Oh NO! I am on the wrong train.!” .....Search for the guard....does this go to Zurich?....get off at next station....there will be one going through...Off at next station.....which platform....nothing seemed to tell for information desk quickly as I knew the one I had booked on couldn’t be too far behind us.....more stairs...wrong side...back down...up other side....just in time to board the one I was booked on! OUCH...that one hurt!In spite of this drama the journey was delightful! We snaked our way around the Como Lakes as I soaked up the view. The sun was shining and I was happy.
Eventually the terrain changed. The Swiss Alps had arrived!

......I was So Spoilt...It was So Spectacular.....The journey: So Sensational.....more of the type of country I love!
My life had been rushing @ 100 kph..... but... I was having a BALL.....!
I think it was the tranquillity of the German countryside, just after Singen at the boarder of Switzerland and Germany, that made me wonder about the day and the date! “So...What day was it....?!” It took me a while to work out that it was actually Sunday, 29 May, which was Mothers’Day in France....”HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY EDITH AND MARYVONNE”..........But, do you think I could work out whether I had booked my room in Stuttgart for Sunday OR Monday night? I didn’t have any paper work because when I had booked during my rush in Florence, I had only printed out Florence and Como Accomodation....thinking that I would do Stuttgart later!!....”GT Travel Agent extraordinaire...I need your help!” “Oh...well!”
Stuttgart: another frustrating hour spent in an internet café trying to change the dates from Monday night to Sunday night....I’m still not sure whether I will be charged for the debacle however, I secured a room to sleep in, dumped my luggage before heading off to the central city area to get a quick glimpse of this old, quiet, yet very clean, German city!

Surprisingly, I discovered wide streets and open spaces filled with grand buildings, statues, gardens and small lakes, fountains, Churches, cafés, a huge shopping precinct: Konigsbau Passagen......
The evening was overcast and threatening rain so consequently it was a very quiet Sunday night, apart from one lonely musician, relentlessly winding his music box, filling the air with a festive spirit.
Suddenly, I couldn’t explore anymore so finding a quiet restaurant, I devoured a large bowl of hearty Minestrone, one vino and then headed back to Hotel Astoria. On the way I was amused to discover: Sydney’s Australian Bar and Restaurant offering a Mixed BBQ of Emu and Kangaroo.

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